join Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification
Are you passionate about personal growth, deep healing transformation and sensual awakening? Do you feel called to expand your knowledge into holistic and highly transformational sensual, emotional and spiritual healing modality? Would you like to deepen into multidimensional orgasmic pleasure potential expansion for yourself and your clients? Are you ready to embrace an exciting, life changing career that allows you to make a powerful positive contribution to the lives of others, extend your market share and expand into this lucrative industry?
<a class="roll-button more-button" href="mailto:[email protected]">Join 2021 Class, one spot left!</a>

Say yes to the career and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of!

Experience incredible depth of self love, unleashed sensuality and deep emotional healing, release blockages and awaken sensual force as you change your life and the lives of others. You can live the life you want to while making the difference you want to make.
Join one of the fastest professional growing market segments in the world!
The estimated market size of the coaching industry will reach $20 billion by 2022 with a 6.7% average yearly growth rate. It is the second fastest growing sector in the world.
<div style="margin-top:10px"> The global complementary and alternative medicine market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 22.03% from 2021 to 2028 to reach USD 404.66 billion by 2028!</div>
<div style="margin-top:10px"> Additionally, the sexual wellness market was valued at US$21.26 billion in 2017. The market is set to rapidly grow at a CAGR of 9.2% during the forecast period. </div>

Hi, I’m Evguenia – Founder of Spirit Sex Lab
I help successful professionals overcome their blockages in self-love, intimacy and sexuality; and create lives full of connection, desire and love.
<div style="margin-top:10px"> I’m an accredited Energy Therapist and a Passionate Sexuality Guide, a graduate of the World’s Premier Hands-on Healing program.</div>
<div style="margin-top:10px"> Personally, I made a 180 degree turn in my life, having come from a very conservative background from feeling emotionally, sexually and spiritually stagnant and blocked off to being fully expressed, authentically aligned and free to embody who I am deep down inside.</div>
<div style="margin-top:10px"> Professionally, I pack over 10 years of Healing and Expressive Arts education as well as extensive experience in helping successful professionals overcome emotional, sexual and mental blockages; and create lives full of confidence, pleasure and freedom of choice. Through my YouTube channel, newsletters and programs, I motivate hundreds of thousands of amazing people to experience deeper connection, hot passion and soulfully sexy bliss.</div>
<div style="margin-top:10px"> I’m wholeheartedly ecstatic to offer this comprehensive Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification program that allows you to embrace a new exciting coaching career, discover your inner gifts, immense passion and authentically aligned life full of love, pleasure, and bliss.</div>
As featured at

Real feedback from clients who have completed my other trainings…

“I gained a lot of self-awareness, knowledge, released blockages and allowed more pure, blissful energy in! I feel super happy. Oh wow! I could feel rolling energy and so much processing through a third eye – opening and awakening. Thank you for allowing me comforting and encouraging safe space. If I felt resistance, I heard you ask me to move / allow it – I would completely relax and let go.”

“I learned so much through the Energy Orgasm program! Orgasm is not the same as ejaculation. It is a circular movement of energy throughout the body as opposed to ejaculation that is an explosion. The slow build ups are so much more orgasmic for me!”

“Being a spiritual practitioner myself, it wasn’t until my ego took a back seat, that I realized how much Evguenia was able to open me up to energetic expansion. She really is experienced, and her methods are very effective. I feel free and full of life energy. Also certain aspects of me have become even more robust!”

“I came across SpiritSexLab in Instagram, and don’t really recall what algorithms and clicks brought me to her page but I am so happy I landed there. After going through some consultation phone calls and working through the sessions, I walked away with tools and resources that I’m able to refer to anytime and the best part is that you can use them for a lifetime. Evguenia is a great listener, very compassionate and objective. She provides a perspective that we sometimes can’t see and that is invaluable! I’m very thankful for our conversations and sessions.”

“Evguenia!!!!!! So much fun and much needed laughter too! I loved every minute of today, I will never forget his day, never!!! Healing, honesty, laughter and connection, so perfect! You do wonders for me and are becoming so precious to me, yes as a healing professional, but so precious as a human that I am so grateful to have in my life!”
“I am at a loss still for words. This energy, these feelings, this experience, I never dreamt I could get there. Oh oh oh oh I am going to have to take some time to let it all settle in as I just can’t describe it. My arms are so weak I can hardly hold them to the keyboard. My legs are shaking with weakness and my mind only feels joy and pleasure…..omg omg
I can’t find the words to express how this feels. OMG do I love you and what you are doing for me…. omg… Love Bob”

“It was like bliss, I felt beautiful, I felt sexual, I felt sexy, I felt in ecstasy! I was on cloud nine!” “I’m in tears! Because it was very powerful!”
“And sometimes it’s like millions of feathers and drops of water showering me! And I was shedding tears because it was very intense! It was like when you’re really that happy… and you don’t know what to do with your body! It was an immense pleasure!”
K. S.

“Evguenia is an amazing teacher and healer. Her personality makes talking about sex and desires so natural and easy. She has broad knowledge and experience to answer all the questions and concerns which one might have. We love how she always encourages to explore further with no judgment and in very positive way. My husband and I took a few workshops and private sessions and can not thank Evguenia enough for the changed we had in out personal life.”

“Evguenia helped me get through several blocks in my life. Her guidance and empathy really showed me a path to owning a bigger part of my life that I had neglected for a long time. She also showed me how to channel my energy in new ways that has made a big difference in my life. I am grateful to have been one of her successful clients.”

“I met Evguenia during lockdown. I was quite lonely and distraught. Almost 60, alone and lost. For roughly four decades I had self esteem and abandonment issues and couldn’t survive without a woman. Evguenia’s guidance changed that. I no longer have self esteem or abandonment issues. I'm doing very well and dating is turning out to be incredibly satisfying. Our sessions were so refreshing and energetic!”

“I can’t even put into words what I feel: the sessions have revealed to me the secret behind my sexual empowerment, how my body would react with the energy orgasm and most of all, those intense levels of bliss. It was such a feeling of liberation, aliveness and emotional freedom.
<div style="margin-top:10px"> After our sessions, I have gained the ability to feel again. I have never been this connected with my authentic self and now I feel amazing, excited, open, energized and alive!”</div>
P. F.

"Evguenia was fantastic to work with. I learned even more than I expected. We spent a good deal of time connecting with my own body and hangups and emotional baggage so I could be more free to express myself. She helped me with her distant energy sessions which I can affirm are the real deal. The first couple sessions I didn’t tell my wife what I was up to – but after being all amped up on sexual energy after our sessions she expressed to me that “there was something going on and I find you irresistible right now”. Needless to say, that was the beginning of a wild week or two – it’s all a blur.
Additionally, she went above and beyond to help me learn to facilitate energy work with my wife and guide her through the process. I was very impressed at her dedication and couldn’t recommend her enough. I look forward to working with her again once I’ve fully practiced all the many things we’ve discussed.”

“Thank you so much! I am learning a lot. I feel more in tune with myself and my own ability to move the energy. I notice this energy work has helped in my sex life too now. Excited to keep learning more and mastering this energy work, thank you for teaching me!” “I’m also noticing a lot of changes sexually – it’s like my body is re-learning and rewiring how to enjoy sex and feel sensations. For the first time ever lately I’ve really felt like I can orgasm from penetration-only and that’s a new development for me!” “Thank you SO much. WOW! I cannot describe what that session did for me. It was very intense. I do not often break down and cry like that but I know I haven’t fully faced or dealt with the sexual trauma of my past and today felt like a really healthy purge of getting it out. When I was laying down and you were talking to me I could see my body going in and out of my current body to the body I had as a little three year old and all the innocence and warmth that was lost in that moment."
Enjoy convenient, professional remote learning
Get professionally certified as an Integrated Energy Orgasm Healing Practitioner from anywhere in the world! Spirit Sex Lab Energy Orgasm Healing practitioner certification program is a 5-month immersive, highly experiential, transformational course that is structured on a strong healing / professional energy work foundation.
<a class="roll-button more-button" href="mailto:[email protected]">Join 2021 Class, one spot left!</a>

energy orgasm practitioner mastery

<li>Scientific insights and modern research findings on energy psychology / medicine and affecting internal change</li>
<li>Professional Energy healing foundations and sensual energy knowledge that allow for deep healing and blockage release</li>
<li>Holistic, multidimensional mindfulness-based experientials (body, mind, heart and soul) with judgement-free guidance and holistic tools that include energy sensing and healing experientials</li>
<li>Powerful breathwork, spicy pleasure practices and deep mindfulness-based experientials that aid in sensual expansion</li>
<li>Body-centered psychology personal development elements allowing for deep contact and healing to take place</li>
<li>Sensual / sexual energy alignment and exploration welcoming your full orgasmic potential</li>
Module 1: Healing & Client Fundamentals

<li>Science and research-based Energy System overview and in-depth knowledge</li>
<li>Highly experiential training allows you to step into your power, increase your sensitivity as a healing professional and trust your inner guidance</li>
<li>Personal Development Mindlessness-based framework helps you deepen into self contact and understand blockages you may need to work through</li>
<li>Foundational healing and emotional blockage removal experientials serve as a powerful foundation for sensual energy work</li>
<li>Supervised session overview</li>
<li>Fully integrated small class sessions focusing on multidimensional body / mind / heart / soul connection are complimented by multiple one-on-one sessions, comprehensive reading and practice materials</li>
Module 2: Energy Orgasm fascilitation

<li>Deepening into sensual / sexual force and experiencing Kundalini energy </li>
<li>Learning powerful methods of sensual energy sensing, moving and charging</li>
<li>Client work healing block release, diagnostics and Multidimensional Body Scan meditation method; introduction to advanced meditation, mindfulness and emotional release techniques</li>
<li>Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery, energy orgasm fundamentals</li>
<li>Energy Orgasm Facilitation Mastery techniques, tips and tricks</li>
<li>Supervision and advanced sexual healing techniques</li>
<li>Fully integrated small class sessions focusing on multidimensional body / mind / heart / soul connection are complimented by multiple one-on-one sessions, comprehensive reading and practice materials</li>
Add on Module 3: Personal Development & Blocks Release

<li>Unexpressed emotions and personal transformation journey</li>
<li>Science of health and disease, emotional and physical connection</li>
<li>Science of affecting internal change, use of mindfulness meditation to access the subconscious</li>
<li>Internal landscape and multiple voices within</li>
<li>Working through the inner wounds, deepening contact with self</li>
<li>Reparenting yourself, repatterning your life, working with inner judgements</li>
<li>Seeing your darkness and the light, diving into authenticity</li>
<li>Intention setting and integration</li>
Add on Module 4: Long Distance Energy Orgasm Facilitation

<li>Quantum entanglement and fields theory; long distance work</li>
<li>Long distance work experientials and practices</li>
<li>Multidimensional body scan healing work theory and practice</li>
<li>Multidimensional body scan healing work supervised facilitation</li>
<li>Energy Orgasm long distance facilitation theory and practice</li>
<li>Energy Orgasm long distance work supervised facilitation</li>
Add on modules 5-8 of practitioner certification include

<li>Working with couples, learning connection deepening practices and energy orgasm couple’s facilitation </li>
<li>Sexual wellness healing and mindfulness deepening work and advanced skills</li>
<li>Client support / marketing / business positioning to help your practice bloom</li>
<li>Sensual force connection deepening – diving into personal sexual wellness work</li>
This course will prepare you to:
<li>Facilitate energy healings, charge and clear energy field and release blockages for yourself as well as your clients</li>
<li>Use foundations of Personal Development mindfulness-based work focused on emotional awareness and release of stagnated emotions giving your clients better awareness and emotional clarity about main patterns / issues in their lives</li>
<li>Help your clients become more sensitive, open and free in expressing their energy</li>
<li>Experience Solo Energy Orgasm and align with pleasure-filled authentic expression of who you are</li>
<li>Facilitate Client Energy Orgasms and help them expand into their sensual power and orgasmic potential</li>
<li>Offer a range of services including meditation guidance, holistic stress release, connection deepening, personal development, energy healing boost, pleasure guidance and sensual energy awakening</li>
<a class="roll-button more-button" href="mailto:[email protected]">Join 2021 Class, one spot left!</a>

Benefits of experiencing / fascinating Energy Orgasms
The following are some of the possible benefits you may experience once you learn to achieve Energy Orgasms. Multidimentional benefits include body, mind, heart and soul deep healing effects and beyond!

Physical Intimacy & Pleasure
<li>Raise your sensitivity and increase body awareness </li>
<li>Take your sex life to the next level by experiencing enhanced level of pleasure</li>
<li>Dive into body, mind, heart and soul orgasm</li>
<li>Learn how to have multiple orgasms and experience pleasure for any gender / differently able</li>

Self Confidence & Connection Deepening
<li>Connect more deeply with yourself, your lovers and sexuality </li>
<li>Experience freedom of sensual expression</li>
<li>Re-ignite passion, attraction and sexual satisfaction in couples</li>

Peace of Mind & Mental Clarity
<li>Dive deeper into being present and mindful</li>
<li>Learn to center into yourself and deepen into relaxation</li>
<li>Release stress and anxiety</li>

Trauma Healing & Emotional Balance
<li>Release emotional and intimate blocks </li>
<li>Let go of shame, guilt, low self-esteem and negative body image</li>
<li>Balance your emotions and raise your energy levels</li>
<li>Experience potent healing and energy movement</li>

Energy Increase, Spiritual Connection & Intention Manifestation
<li>Ground into your own power, sexuality and multiply pleasure</li>
<li>Increase your intuition and deepest wisdom</li>
<li>Multiply orgasmic energy and enter a spiritual realm of your life</li>
<li>Manifest your desires</li>
apply to join our may program!
<a class="roll-button more-button" href="mailto:[email protected]">Join 2021 Class, one spot left!</a>