Make your next conference, team retreat or other corporate event exciting and memorable with Unleash Synergy.

Unleash Synergy creates engaging discussions on Holistic Mental Health, Personal Growth, Deepening Relationships, Sexual Wellness and more that connect people and teams in positive and meaningful ways.

Evguenia is an engaging and exciting speaker who fills rooms such as University of Toronto and York auditoriums, Coca Cola Vitamin Water XXX pop-up experiences, high net worth women summit, private female corporate group events and many others with laughter, energy, and most importantly life-changing concepts that keep audiences returning for more. 

“It was truly a dream to have you as a part of this experience. You gave this pop up incredible substance and heart.”

Katie Kilberg D’Agostine, Wieden + Kennedy; VITAMIN WATER XXX Event

Evguenia facilitates an atmosphere of intimacy and comfort, trust, confidence and authenticity. She spent countless years in education and research, all resulting in a broad breadth of knowledge that she uses to empower and motivate the listeners to discover their personal gifts and take another step in the journey toward living authentically-aligned lives full of love, pleasure, self-acceptance, connection, and passion.


evguenia's bio

Evguenia is an accredited Energy Therapist and a Passionate Sexuality Guide who graduated from the World’s Premier Hands-on Healing program. She packs over 10 years of Professionally Accredited Energy Healing and Expressive Arts training as well as extensive experience in facilitating private Healing and Sexual Guidance sessions focusing on topics such as Personal Growth, Relationships Deepening, Meditation, Energy Awareness, Healing and Sexual Wellness.

Evguenia facilitates judgement-free, engaging and exciting workshops at various locations such as University of Toronto and York auditoriums, high net worth women summits, private female corporate group events and many others. 

"excellent feedback from the event! very informative session, we loved every minute!"

Andreia Mclean, Marketing Manager Dauphine Magazine

Evguenia’s heart’s biggest desire is to help clients discover their gifts and live fuller authentically aligned lives full of love, pleasure, and authenticity. Whenever she’s not involved in program, course or session development or facilitation, Evguenia volunteers at organizations such as Sex Education Centre at University of Toronto (Students’ sex education portal) or Gilda’s Club (Registered charity helping cancer patients) to give back.

Some of the past speaking engagements included:

  • Coca Cola / VitaminWater XXX, Nourishment for every “you” campaign
    Multiple presentations focused on self love and sensual expression including Energy Orgasms, Embracing our Sexual self, Relationship Spectrum, Playful Sexuality
  • DoveTail, High net worth women entrepreneur summit
    “Aligning with the truth within and Open / Alternative Relationships”
  • Private female corporate group event
    “Pleasure, Relationship Spice and Multitude of Orgasms”
  • York University
    “Polyamory 101”
  • Foria, Own your pleasure promotional corporate female event
    “Spiritual Sexuality: Energy Orgasms”, “Removing internal blocks using guided meditation approach”
  • Dauphine Magazine upscale slumber party
    “Pleasure, Relationships and Play Ideas”
  • Gilda’s Club Toronto
    “Meditation on Body Centered Emotions”
  • University of Toronto (SEC)
    “Open Relationships” “Kink and Mindfulness”
  • Lifestyle Adult Club
    “Polyamory and Open relationships” “Tantric Pleasure”
  • Private Play Dungeon
    “Navigating Kink: Consent, Negotiations, Safety and Fantasies”
  • The Nookie Sex Store
    “Prostate Play and Strap on Basics”
  • Good for Her
    “Relationships Spice” “Energy Orgasms”

Ready to get started? Schedule your Discovery call with Evguenia below:

Listen to Evguenia speak:

“You were fabulous Evguenia! Was wonderful working with you to make this event a huge success. Thanks for bringing your unique, fun vibe!”

Kieron Wilde, Experience Curator, Studio Butch, VITAMIN WATER XXX Event

I show my clients how to embrace their authenticity while healing  deepest wounds and how to fall in love with themselves and experience mind blowing connection and intimacy while embracing their inner guidance.

Topics can be tailored to your needs and may include:

Personal Development

  • From blockages to emotional healing
  • Connection deepening and diving into self love
  • Igniting passion and aligning with one’s authentic self
  • Refining and Manifesting intentions
  • Discovering essence through mindfulness
  • Activating Sexuality: Sensual Empowerment

Dating & Relationships

  • Redefining relationships
  • Improving Communication skills
  • Exploring the business of dating
  • The road less traveled: Alternative Relationships & Polyamory
  • Spicing up long term relationships
  • Activating Sexuality for couples

Healing & Mindfulness

  • Experiencing peace of mind and stress management
  • Strengthening your energetic potential
  • Mindfully facing anxiety and fears
  • Group-based intention setting and alignment

Activated Sexuality

  • Spiritual Sexuality: Energy Orgasms
  • Breaking down sexual barriers through energy therapy and mindfulness
  • Igniting passion and aligning with one’s authentic self
  • The road less traveled: Alternative Relationships & Polyamory
  • Spicing up long term relationships
  • Navigating Kink: Consent, Negotiations, Safety and Fantasies


  • Entrepreneurial Event
  • Conference Presentation
  • Women’s Group
  • Product Presentation
  • Educational Seminar
  • Couples’ Retreat