Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone who’s celebrating! Wishing health and happiness for you and your loved ones, success and fulfillment in your endeavors, and moments of joy and connection with others!

Heightened expectations: Celebrate LOVE!

When merging holiday traditions with your partner, heightened expectations can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. To foster understanding and create a harmonious holiday season, consider the following steps…

Navigating Money Tensions During the Holidays: Celebrate LOVE!

Money-related conflicts are a common source of tension in relationships, and the holiday season can exacerbate these issues. Increased spending on gifts and celebrations may lead to stress and disagreements between partners, revealing differing beliefs and values about money that might not surface otherwise.

Addressing Feelings of Isolation During the Holidays: Celebrate YOU!

The holidays, while joyous for many, can exacerbate depression and anxiety for some. Recognize the importance of coping with added stress during this time, especially considering that 52% of Canadians report feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation during the holiday season.

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah to everyone who’s celebrating! Wishing you prosperity, love, and laughter. Have a the best holiday season ever!