Relationship Spice, Toys and Sex Clubs Workshop at Heat Festival – Aftermath

We had around 30-40 people join us at the Relationship Spice workshop where we talked about 10 spicy tips to keep the relationships emotionally and intimately deep. The audience participation and sharing were amazing. I loved teaching this wonderful Russian-speaking community – it was fun to translate my presentation into a different language for once 🙂 Stay tuned for fun upcoming group workshop announcements coming soon!

Relationship Spice, Toys and Sex Clubs Workshop at Heat Festival

This will be my first time teaching at the Heat FestivaI am looking forward to meeting this wonderful community of music lovers as well as sharing some of the “hot” tips and tricks on how to embrace more pleasure, love, and intimacy in our relationships with ourselves and our partners during my workshop. Can’t wait to tell you all about this!