Write life with action

Write your life with actions

Just now I’ve read about Nicholas Winton – man who saved 669 Jewish kids during the second world war and kept quiet about it for 50 years until his wife discovered his notes. Incredible! And then I thought to myself – what an amazing way to write his life with actions and contribute… Going to sit with this for a while and see how I’m contributing.



“Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.”

Wayne Dyer

So very true. Whenever you’re lost in anxious thoughts, please notice that the turmoil is usually mostly happening between your temples… The life itself is flowing effortlessly and graciously all around us with a multitude of miracles taking place everywhere. Taking a deep breath, witnessing the thoughts and allowing the emotions to be here without a judgement is a great way to experience the now. Comment: what miracles have you noticed today 😉