Tales of Scheherazade – Erotica
Much as your eyes are scanning this page right now, dear reader, so were Alice’s. Reading the stories out loud, one by one. Perhaps, with the only difference – she couldn’t move her hands as they were tied behind her back. And, one more little detail – a small, slick remotely controlled vibrator placed on her clit and G spot inside.
“Go on,” said the Husband, “I am enjoying these.”
“The better you read your tales, the more pleasure you would feel.”
He smiled and increased the stimulation curves on his cell phone app.
Alice was doing her best. Just like Scheherazade, trying to please the King with wondrous stories, swimming in waves of pleasure. At times she’d stop to take a breath or let a moan out and suddenly, all sensations would seize… It really didn’t pay to displease him.
Waves symbolize everything in life – expansion, stasis, contraction, stasis.
Wave as with four seasons expanding into growth, pausing in owe, contracting into preservation and, absorbing the nutrients…
Wave as with ocean ripples expanding and contracting in tides…
Wave as with life… and death…
Alice was feeling the wonderful blissful stimulation radiating outward into her whole body, reading out loud and staying with the pleasure… Pausing to react, enjoy take in the sensations and consequently getting no more stimulation.
The Husband was not always cruel, you know. He was fair and just. When she did well, she would get a treat. Alice would get to worship his beautiful, tempting cock with her tongue, in her mouth…
When the stories were finished, hands untied and play turned into love making. Waves turned into spirals.
Alice closed her eyes and with each new way her Husband loved her, she felt like a part of a big ocean, receiving ripples all over her body and energy field. Stronger, closer spaced ripples – colorful waves of energy radiating from him to her. Sensations, sounds, beautiful rings of energy came all together as a full body, mind and soul eruption. So subtle and so strong. Unifying, Vivid. Vibrant.