Your Pain

Your pain

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”
Khalil Gibran

Sounds quite true to me. While pain is uncomfortable – it does lead to new understandings, beginnings and openings…

higher sense of well being

Higher sense of well being

“A new drive, a higher sense of well being, renewed trust in myself, a stronger connection to my spiritual side, and the energy field around me that I never dared to touch or acknowledge but that is clearly there and is very powerful.”

A. K. 
Private Healing Session

Trust in Dreams

Trust in Dreams

“Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.”
Khalil Gibran

What are you dreaming of? I’m dreaming of judgement-free, inclusive world where everyone is free to be who they are deep down inside, sharing their unique gifts with the world. That and world-wide #energyorgasm day lol

Life loves

“Life loves the liver of it.” Maya Angelou Are you living your life to the fullest? The single most important awareness gift […]

Energy Orgasm – Video

Energy orgasms are amazing phenomena that could be achieved touch free as part of a healing sessions package… Energy Orgasm Sage scented […]

Deep Healing Energy Session

“The deep healing energy session brought in a very new and completely transformational wave into my life. Right now I not only feel empowered, grounded, and at peace but I have a new found realization of all of the possibilities that are awaiting me.”

I got my own back

I got my own back

“I got my own back.”Maya Angelou Is it true for you? I believe living in the society we are all interconnected and […]