Free Energy Orgasms Live Demo & Magic – August 26

15 years ago has marked the beginning of my journey into the magic of energy all around me. A great friend of mine led me into a deep, trance-like experience during which I was able to perceive energy and open up to my inner wisdom and guidance in a way that I’ve never felt before. I started meditating and had another profound experience in which I’ve met my guides (I know reading this may be weird, it felt very strange at first to me too lol). Suddenly I realized that the world around me was not what I thought it to be. I felt like a kid in a candy store, wanting to learn and explore as much as I possibly could. And my journey into deep personal growth, healing and sexuality has begun.

Sexual Energy: 5 Ways to staying in control

I often hear my wonderful clients speak about how difficult it feels at times to control their sexual energy. Some notice that it’s a struggle not to hurry towards an orgasm and stay in control of their powerful sexual energy, others would like a bit of an energetic boost, or would like to learn to direct this energy in order to experience multiple energetic orgasms over and over again.