What we have to discover

“What we have to discover is that there’s no safety, that seeking is painful, and that when we imagine that we have found it, we don’t like it.”

Alan Watts

I remember reading a book called “The happiness trap” It’s centered around a premise that happiness is an elusive state. Highly valued, relentlessly perused, rarely experienced. Ironically, the harder we try to buy, seize, or closet happiness, the less likely we are to be happy. Indeed, even talking about “how we can be happy” often leaves us with a sense of dissatisfaction – the happiness trap.

Power on control over us

“When we attempt to exercise power or control over someone else, we cannot avoid giving that person the very same power or control over us.”

Alan Watts

Tell me about it… Please comment if you can relate.

Feel perfectly free

” One is a great deal less anxious if one feels perfectly free to be anxious, and the same may be said […]

Universe looking at itself

“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”
Alan Watts

What are you exploring right now?

Leaving it alone

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”

Alan Watts

what do I desire

What do I desire?

“It is so importance to answer this question: What do I desire?”
Alan Watts

Right now for me – Connection. What word comes to mind for you?


The whole universe

“You are something that the whole Universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.” Alan Watts

permanent = lifeless


“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the ore it tends to be lifeless.”

Alan Watts

Have you noticed this? It is so interesting… As Esther Perel says – humans beings have two opposing needs:

First need is for security and safety, consistency and predictability
Second, and quite the opposite – for novelty, excitement and unpredictability

Sane all the time

“No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time.

Alan Watts

Phew – that felt good lol

Be completely engaged

“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged in what you’re doing in the here and now.”
Alan Watts