Dream with me!

I’m dreaming of being outside, bathing in a warm sunlight, surrounded by powerful nature and beautiful summer weather. Incredible blue water / high mountain views fill my soul with beauty and lungs with the freshest air possible. I can hear the voices or my kids and husband enjoying themselves outdoors, or, perhaps, it’s the mystery man whispering sweet nothings into my ear lol  Am I the only one dreaming of a getaway? Toronto has been on a lock down for way too long!!


Feeling my essence was mind blowing

Have you ever felt your essence? That part of you that has always been and always will be? Join my free Energy Orgasm Fundamentals webinar on June 25, 7pm to experience yours. Sign Up: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/EnergyOrgasm or learn more at https://spiritsexlab.com/events/


Meditation Along with energetic exercises I teach the clients that want to sense better into the energy around them, meditation is probably […]

Sensing Energy

Sensing Energy Have you ever sensed energy? At my workshops and sessions, I show simplest ways to feel into your own energy […]

Energy Play Workshop

Come one – come all! Our Energy Play workshop is back by popular demand. Connect with the Magic of energy healing and […]