Q and A: Sex Club Protection

What do I need to know about sexual protection?

Question: While I understand there’s a certain amount of risk involved in any kind of group play, what’s the standard here? Do you use condoms for everything, including oral? Dental dams? How does that work with group play, where you’re changing positions and partners frequently? Also my wife is allergic to latex condoms. Is everyone going to be find if we bring our own?

Sensate podcast

Video Interview: Sensate with Harouna & Hermelijn

What a wonderful surprise!! A few months ago Harouna (a wonderful teacher from my healing school program) has reached out to me via IG. We chatted and he’d mentioned how proud he was of me living my truth (he was one of the first people witnessing my transformation into living a more open lifestyle and coming into myself emotionally, spiritually, sexually). He’d asked me if I’d be open to appear on his podcast – I was delighted. It felt like I’ve come a full circle.

Thank you so much for Harouna and Hermelijn for this wonderful interview. In it, we discuss Healing Sexual Traumas, Beliefs, and Cultural Programming, I would love to hear your reflections: https://anchor.fm/harouna-soumah/episodes/Healing-Sexual-Traumas–Beliefs–and-Cultural-Programming-with-Evguenia-from-SpiritSexLab-eq1rnm

Meet my wonderful client Natalya

“I can’t even put into words what I feel: the session has revealed to me the secret behind my sexual empowerment, how my body would react with the energy orgasm and most of all, those intense levels of bliss. It was such a feeling of liberation, aliveness and emotional freedom. After the session, I have gained the ability to feel again. I have never been this connected with my authentic self and now I feel amazing, excited, open, energized and alive!”

Write life with action

Write your life with actions

Just now I’ve read about Nicholas Winton – man who saved 669 Jewish kids during the second world war and kept quiet about it for 50 years until his wife discovered his notes. Incredible! And then I thought to myself – what an amazing way to write his life with actions and contribute… Going to sit with this for a while and see how I’m contributing.

Self Esteem

Self-esteem and self-love work; discovering essence


So many of us are quite self critical, unsure of how to love ourselves unconditionally and are lucking self confidence. I’ve been there myself multiple times – feeling ashamed of my own desires, thoughts and needs. Unable to look at myself in the mirror without criticizing the way I looked. Getting easily upset with my own emotional reactions and “sensitivities”.  

The good news is, that Neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer used) allows us to change negative patterns of thinking into the positive ones.

March newsletter

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – March 2020

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – March 2020

Hot off the virtual press – have you seen today’s newsletter yet? Are you part of Spirit Sex Lab family? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover everything personal growth, pleasure and desire related

Newsletter November 19

Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – November ’19

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – November, 2019

Are you part of Spirit Sex Lab family? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover everything personal growth, pleasure and desire related.
Imagine my account would get blocked and you’d never hear from me again  I’d miss you terribly!

Your Pain

Your pain

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”
Khalil Gibran

Sounds quite true to me. While pain is uncomfortable – it does lead to new understandings, beginnings and openings…