
On shame

The most important work I do is centered around shame.

As probably many of you know I come from a very conservative upbringing and the feelings of shame, guilt and judgement around sexuality accompanied me throughout my teen and late into my 20s. I had to dig deep, shine some light into these shadows and question / release any beliefs that were not serving me prior to allowing myself to feel free and aligned with my sexual force inside.

Born free

Born free

Do you agree? I most often see judgements coming up when it comes to subjects of love and lust. And I notice that when we shift towards self love and acceptance, we feel freer to just be ourselves and expand into beautiful essence of who we are.

woman love

Woman who loves her body

I’m a true believer that my judgements say more about me than others. Have you noticed that at times you may get triggered by noticing things which your really dislike in others? We may also at times encounter strong feelings of hate, anger, fear, wanting to hurt other or separate from them… Carl Jung called this part of our personality a Lower Self / Shadow.

God in drag

“Treat everyone you meet as if they are God in drag.”
Ram Dass

Whenever I notice that I’m judging someone I always try to see the traits I dislike in them in myself. I also try to zoom out from the personality level into more of a witnessing / spiritual plane and understand how incredibly brilliant their soul is. As all of us are.

What are your thoughts on this?

Re-culture our culture

Re-culture our Culture

“I’m going to work with the good info you shared with us, and ultimately, I’d like to use sexual energy in my […]