Derek Energy Orgasm

Multiple Orgasms for any gender

Meet Derek a beautifully open-minded and -hearted soul, and watch him experience pleasure over and over again! Touch free, energy-based, incredible body / mind / heart / soul phenomenon.
Join me for a FREE WEBINAR tomorrow to learn more about Energy Orgasms:

Energy Orgasm Course

Course is almost here!!

The Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery course is almost here!! I’m so excited, I’ve been working on it non stop for 3-4 months now!!!
In this video, you can see a little preview of how Mel felt during our session and learn more about Energy Orgasms. Any questions? Just ask xoxo


It’s soaking here!

Pleasure is pleasure:) Touch free! Can you believe it?!

Join my Free upcoming Energy Orgasms Webinar on February 17th, 7pmEST to learn more:

energy orgasm

Its’ like S*x and Therapy in one!

“I feel like I just had therapy and s*x in one session!”

“Mmmm where was I?”

“It was like I had s*x with my partner, but I didn’t. Well, thank you honey! It’s like I just energetically f*cked you!”

“I feel fantastic”

“I gained a lot of self-awareness, knowledge, released blockages and allowed more blissful energy in!”

Just a few comments by our beautiful model on her experience about Energy Orgasm (excerpt from Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery course coming out soon).
Join my free webinar on EO:


It was like bliss!

It was like bliss, Sarah said! Have you watched her video on Kundalini rising?
Please see

And let me know your thoughts xoxo


Kundalini Energy

Kundalini (excerpt from my upcoming Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course, join my free Energy Orgasm Foundations webinar here:

In Taoist and Hindu philosophy, kundalini is a powerful divine energy that lays coiled like a snake at the base of our spine or our root center in the perineum.

The kundalini gets awakened at our root energy center that acts like the catalyst that ignites that engine, while Lower Tan Tien becomes the engine or generator of this vital life-energy. When this dormant energy is freed it flows upward through the seven centers – and leads to an expanded state of consciousness, known as a kundalini awakening.

Energy Orgasm

October 22, 7pm – FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar

Join me for this monthly FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar on October 22 at 7pm! Are you curious what touch free Energy Orgasms are? Join this free webinar to learn about this profound, pleasure-filled, multidimensional phenomenon called Energy Orgasms. Can’t make it? Register and get a recording copy.

Long Distance Energy Orgasm

Long Distance Energy Orgasm: Video

Video: Long Distance Energy Orgasm (Kundalini rising) Imagine this: Long Distance Energy Orgasm Kundalini movement experience captured on video! How is it […]