Practitioner Certification

Practitioner Certification Program Modules 1 and 2 Starting soon

Professional Practitioner Certification is starting very soon again!

Are you a coach, a guide or a therapist and would like to add the energy orgasm facilitation and healing skills to your toolbox? I offer Spirit Sex Lab Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification program – a 10 class immersive course (offered over 5 months) structured on the healing / energy work foundation with a body of work involving sexual force incorporation. The comprehensive program includes:

Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery

Gwyneth Paltrow in her Love, Sex and Goop has just recently had a Netflix episode on Energy Orgasms. And I say – it’s about time the world discovered this incredible magic! I’ve been so drawn to the healing, confidence, openness and sexiness of Energy Orgasm’s effects that I’ve now spent years successfully teaching it to others. With over 1 million views of my YouTube videos and many happy customers, I invite you to see the power and pleasure Energy Orgasms bring for yourself. 

Meet my incredibly wise and open-minded client Alejandro

Meet my incredibly wise and open-minded client Alejandro, a dating coach and a successful investor from US.

Alejandro and I have been exploring Energy Orgasm Practitioner Mastery  Program, Personal Transformation as well as Energy Healing. In our sessions we focused on deepening contact, diving into higher frequencies, learning healing fundamentals, developing high sense perception, releasing blockages and experiencing as well as facilitating Energy Orgasms.

Life changing sensual healing work

I remember how it all began. An unsettling feeling of something missing in my seemingly perfect life, restriction on the body level, emotional blockages, tightness, sensation of not being fully aligned with who I was inside. Then came years of soul searching, personal growth, opening up my marriage and finally embarking on an incredibly freeing journey towards discovering who I actually am deep down inside.

energy orgasm webinar

Energy Orgasm Foundations FREE Webinar – March 24

Join me for this monthly FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar on March 24th at 7pm! Are you curious what touch free Energy Orgasms are? Join this free webinar to learn about this profound, pleasure-filled, multidimensional phenomenon called Energy Orgasms. Can’t make it? Register and get a recording copy.

Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery

Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course

Benefits of experiencing Energy Orgasms

The following are some of the possible benefits you may experience once you learn to achieve Energy Orgasms. Curious to know more? Join March 24th webinar at 7pm EST or watch the free recording that comes with registration:

Energy Orgasm

Updated Squirting Energy Orgasm Long Distance Video

I’ve updated and reposted this video of Sarah experiencing Touch Free Energy Orgasm to my YouTube Channel. Please watch it here

Learn more during a FREE Energy Orgasm Webinar on March 24th at 7pm EST :

Join this Exclusive Energetic Orgasm webinar to learn to experience ecstatic bliss by yourself and as a couple. Ultimate union with the universe, total oneness are possible. To create this profound connection, we will cover experiential energy play, uncovering energetic, emotional and mental blocks, energy-based sexual/spiritual practices focusing on strengthening the sexual force within you. All welcome.


I am love!

I AM LOVE. Deeply embracing energy, surrendering to our inner flow and expressing it – isn’t it an incredible gift? This is what Sarah said after having experienced energy work with me – 224K video from my YouTube Channel, have you watched?

Sign up for FREE webinar to learn more: