Energy Work and Blocks removal

Did you know that Quantum field theory tells us that universe is comprised of many infinitely-large vibrational fields.
Furthermore, any disease, both mental and physical first presents itself on the energy level. The blockages that many of us feel inside are preventing us from from fully expressing ourselves and experiencing pleasure, sensuality and bliss. Join me tonight for a FREE webinar on exactly this topic and I’ll share a few helpful resources on the road to releasing the blockages and stagnated emotions. Sign Up:

Energy Orgasm

Eye-opening experience

I’m really enjoying facilitating these mind blowing, life changing experiences for clients and teaching a practitioner certification course to wonderful students! Ever since I’ve experienced my very first energy orgasm, I couldn’t wait to share it with the world and spread joy, pleasure, sensuality and freedom of completely embracing our authentic selves mind, heart, body and soul!! Such a bliss. DM to learn more or join my free webinar on Energy Orgasms in June:

parallel universe

Parallel Universe – Erotica

Parallel Universe – Erotica (Read more stories and get my book at

“Multiverse theorists argue that the continuous expansion of the universe has produced various pockets of energy that ended up expanding at a much faster rate and created several other pocket universes of their own.”

Feeling the rope surround and caress her body, listening to the sounds of binaural beat patterns, Alice was floating in and out of consciousness… Into a state of trans. Lightness. Energy. Peculiar visions, woven together as a bouquet of sensations and memories surrounded her…

Identifying Needs



Once, someone very wise has mentioned to me that while growing up we go through three stages of understanding ourselves and the world around us:

Learning what our parents and society believe we should be like and the societal norms we need to follow
Realizing that not everyone follows the same principles in life
Redefining for ourselves what our needs, values and belief systems are

Extended mind and body

“Society is our extended mind and body.”

Alan Watts

As within, so without. Even a tiniest shift inside of us will lead to a butterfly effect for the world. Let’s focus on loving ourselves more, being more playful, open-minded, connected, shame and guilt free and kind 😉 If not us, then who? Please comment with a heart if you agree 😉

Alice in polyland erotica

Alice in Polyland book is excellent

“Alice in Polyland book is excellent. Let me know when your next comes out. I definitely find myself wanting to read more. Your lack of inhibitions and sexual freedom is very refreshing. I appreciate all your insights from your experiences.”

E. K.
Alice in Polyland book reader

RPC Podcast interview

Video Interview – RPC Podcast

Had such a blast chatting with RPS Podcast about sexuality, energy orgasms, ‘norms’, pleasure, fantasies and my erotic book Alice in Polyland ( Thank you so much for having me on your podcast!

Desire Boost and Sensual Meditation: M4 Cooperation Webinar Aftermath

Desire Boost and Sensual Meditation: M4 Cooperation

My heart is full. Thank you! 86 people registered for our Desire Boost and Sensual Meditation webinar last night.

Thank you so much to @Clubm4 for making this possible and to the wonderful and so open-minded community of people who’ve joined. We’ve laughed together, shared resources on staying sexy, connected and grounded. I’ve read spicy stories and shared multple sensual tips on keeping the desire going in the times of Covid-19. We’ve enjoyed sensual meditation together.

I feel very happy

” I know I haven’t messaged you in a while and wanted to just say hi and let you know that everything is going really well!
I’ve been doing meditation and practicing gratitude. I feel very happy and things are going great!”

M. K.
Private Session Client

44 in 2020

44 in 2020

Turned 44 today, my friends!! I personally love numbers, so to me being 44 in the year 2020 feels so great! And I’m so grateful to have you here to celebrate with me. Thank you so much for all of your love, notes, messages and wishes. Let’s share lots of joy, happiness, pleasure, vulnerability and depth this coming year! Here’s a little birthday note I’ve received today – so very special.

44 years from Birth