Loving yourself
The process of removing blocks associated with the stored shame and guilt comes down to identifying those parts of ourselves that are still hurting. Getting in touch with them, naming these blocks (or frozen consciousness) and loving ourselves enough to melt down any of the negative self-images, emotions and judgements…
Awareness and a witnessing aspects are two of the tools we can use to identify these patterns. Noticing various voices in our heads and questioning what they are telling us, aligning with the positive messages of self love is also helpful. It is important to reject the negative judgements (whether self-inflicted of outside-born).
One of the simple exercises on self love is focusing on your reflection in the mirror each time you get a glimpse of yourself and tell yourself “I love you.” Through hurt, difficulty and resistance – find three things you’re grateful for and love about yourself and say it out loud. “I love you”. Let the love surround you as you’re breathing it in.