Alice in PolyLand Two days left

Alice In Polyland two days left

ALICE IN POLYLAND – TWO DAYS LEFT! Let’s get this puppy to $3,5K (only around $400 left to raise) so I can create 2 eLearning courses!! Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far, you’re THE BEST!

Please let me introduce myself. My name  is Evguenia and I’m going to let you in on a  little secret… Over the past few years I have written some spicy, sensual, deep, wild and soulful stories of my Alter Ego Alice and would  love to share these with you! Alice is a mother and a polyamorous wife,  an artist, and a healer. An entrepreneur. A sexuality educator. A lover. A seductress.

Sexuality is her playground of choice. Love is her worship, her  teaching, the sole purpose of living. It is the power of human  connection that transforms, strengthens and drives her to experiment and  share.

This book is very close to my heart as I (I’m sure  not unlike many of you) come from a very conservative environment. Culture where societal judgments, shame, and guilt are some of the  blocks that stop complete and free expression of sexuality.  Internalized, these judgments create inner walls – separating sexuality  from the entirety of ourselves, blocking our creative expression. At  times, making us turn against our very core.

So what does it take to accept and authentically express your  sexuality, to listen to the voice within that leads you into the depths  of who you truly are without fear or worries about the judgments of  others?

This sensual book (printed on silky white paper with luscious  skin-like varnish and deep colorful visuals) contains a collection of  erotic sketches followed by practical tips on how to play out similar  scenes.

My deep desire and hope are to inspire you to play  out your own deep seated fantasies and help you unleash your own  deep-seated desires, empower and motivate you to discover your personal  gifts and take another step in the journey toward living  authentically-aligned lives full of love, pleasure, self-acceptance,  connection, and passion.

After all, sexuality is a great gateway to achieve higher states of consciousness, personal growth and ultimately love. 

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