Spirit Sex Lab Featured by The Collective Women’s Entrepreneur Community
Thank you so much for featuring me, @TheCollective!
Next up for our TheCollective Superwoman Entrepreneurs, meet Evguenia Cheinis! Her work as an energy therapist & sexuality guide through her business Spirit Sex Lab is both playful and liberating – check out more on her story below!
Q. Let’s take it back to the beginning: can you tell us the story of your business’s first month?
A. When I came up with the idea of Spirit Sex Lab I was longing to create a judgement-free, holistic-oriented space that allowed professionals to break down the barriers inside and rediscover amazing passion, pleasure, and ultimate joy of embracing their full selves.
Having come from a conservative background where any expression of sexuality has been forbidden and feeling a disconnect from my true self throughout most of my life, I really wanted to encourage others to fully express themselves and experience the transformation that comes with fully embracing yourself.
I started out with a small cozy group of like-minded women – exploring the world of personal transformation, meditation, energy work and pleasure. We met weekly at my place and shared our stories, experienced deep energetic practices and went through lots of healing. I loved the liberation everyone felt from openly talking about sexuality, releasing blockages that were not serving us any longer and redefining our lives / relationships / creating a new vision for ourselves as well as embracing so much pleasure!
Almost 10 years later, my practice has evolved and now contains in-person and online guidance sessions for clients all over the world (https://spiritsexlab.com/services/), liberating events (https://spiritsexlab.com/events/) and inspirational storytelling (https://www.aliceinpolyland.com/), yet the vision is still the same: I love helping professionals to overcome their emotional, sexual and spiritual blockages; and create lives full of unsurpassed passion, pleasure & authenticity.
Q. Who was/is a mentor to you, and why?
A. I’ve been extremely fortunate to attract incredible friends and mentors throughout my entrepreneurial journey. I feel very grateful to so many of my friends for their on-going support, amazing ideas, reflections and insights. I love being connected to such incredible entrepreneurial communities as Collective, I find everyone highly inspirational. Thank you.
Q. What is your biggest challenge right now, and what drives you to keep going?
A. I’m very excited to bring all of the projects I have in mind to fruition and the biggest challenge right now is to balance my time between the initiatives. I’m working on developing an online course focusing on an incredibly profound energetic phenomena called Energy Orgasms (https://spiritsexlab.com/2020/05/08/spiritual-connection-energetic-orgasms/), as well as on a sequel of my sensually inspirational book Alice in Polyland (https://www.aliceinpolyland.com/). I’m also constantly launching new online workshops and in-person liberation tours (https://spiritsexlab.com/events/), blogging daily about all things related to personal growth, energy and sexuality (@Spiritsexlab on FB, IG, YouTube, LI and Twitter) and conducting my one-on-one sessions for clients all over the world.
I’m feeling very grateful to be doing the work that I am so passionate about. I look forward to bringing it out into the world on a larger scale.
Q. Bonus: accomplishment or feature article you’ve recently achieved we can give a shout out for?
A. I’ve been recently featured on Dr. Jess podcast speaking about multidimensional mindfulness, energy orgasms and alternative relationships: https://www.sexwithdrjess.com/2020/01/evguenia-podcast/
I also frequently appear on other podcasts, video interviews – please see more for details: https://spiritsexlab.com/category/in-the-news/