Just spent 4 hours at an eye doctor’s clinic with my mom. Her vision has deteriorated lately and no treatments are unfortunately available to help her see better. Activities that I usually take for granted such as reading, watching TV, pressing elevator buttons or crossing a street have become close to impossible for her now… She’s in her 80s and is a very kind, stoic and positive woman. Glass is always half full for her – she’s such an inspiration to everyone around!
I noticed many older people at the eye doctor’s office today: not feeling well, walking slowly, complaining about being unable to see / function. It was a very humbling experience that reminded me not to take the life I have for granted and left ,e wanting to enjoy my life to the fullest even more!
Speaking of fully enjoying life – please see this client’s wonderful testimonial. Course is coming out very soon! Learn about it here:
When: May 20th, 7.00 PM
Where: Online (link sent upon registration)
Price: FREE
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