I had a wonderful walk with a friend today and our conversation went deep. We started talking about the meaning of life and why we’re here. And I was instantly reminded of the Personal Task > Life Task idea. Here’s the story: Personal Task is something you were ‘assigned at birth’ 🙂 Meaning the pain, suffering, learning you had to go through (and might still be traversing) in order to become the person you are right now. For example, I come from a very conservative background where individuality has been frowned upon, I went through lots of bullying and feeling like I was stuck in the box unable to get out and be myself. All of this has lead to me opening up and embracing more freedom, pleasure, openness, alternative lifestyle and personal healing.
Then comes the Life Task: something you were meant to accomplish professionally or as individual in terms of paying forward. Usually the Life Task is based on the foundation of the Personal one. I know that I’m here to help wonderful people overcome their emotional, sexual and mental blockages; and create lives and relationships full of love, deep connection and passion. I spent my whole life getting to this point (personally and professionally) and I love helping incredible folks change their lives and embrace their dreams!
All of the above leads me to a question – what are your Personal and Life Tasks? And if they are similar to mine, I’d love to see you this Thursday, 7:00pm EST at my FREE Practitioner Certification Webinar! (https://unleashsynergy.as.me/EnergyOrgasm)
In it, we will cover how you can experience incredible depth of self love, unleashed sensuality and deep emotional healing, release blockages and awaken sensual force as you change your life and the lives of others. I will go over what it would take to get professionally certified as an Integrated Energy Orgasm Healing Practitioner from anywhere in the world!
Sign up here: https://unleashsynergy.as.me/EnergyOrgasm