Q & A: Sex Club, Non consensual touch

Q & A: Sex Club, Non consensual touch

Question: I’m a single woman, curious to explore a Sex Club Guided tour, I’m wondering if it’s a touch free experience.

Answer: Thank you so much for your question – please see my answer below (Join my Exclusive Upcoming Sex Club Tour, June 24 for a safe and fun way to explore this alternative community: https://unleashsynergy.as.me/sexclubtour).

I understand your concern – Sex club culture is deeply rooted in on-going, enthusiastic consent. In order for everyone to feel safe and free to explore, this is one of the foundational rules: No means No. No one can touch you without your explicit consent. They can’t even ask you twice. Violation of this rule results in immediate expulsion of the person from the club.

The Exclusive Guided Sex Club tour includes a 1 hour Zoom call 2 days prior to the event that allows us to get to know each other, go over questions, learn more about alternative lifestyle culture, dive deeper into fun ways Sex Clubs can be explored. Then once we meet in person, we are ready to dance, explore the club and witness a sexy scene (some people choose to participate within everyone’s boundaries of course), scenes tend to be less sexual and more sensually playful with focus on kink. The above results in a wonderfully safe, entertaining way to learn more about this sexy playground atmosphere and scene ?

Thank you so much for reading, please like, share and join my Exclusive Upcoming Sex Club Tour, June 24 for a safe and fun way to explore this alternative community: https://unleashsynergy.as.me/sexclubtour

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