Relationship Spice, Toys and Sex Clubs Workshop at Heat Festival – Aftermath

We had around 30-40 people join us at the Relationship Spice workshop where we talked about 10 spicy tips to keep the relationships emotionally and intimately deep. The audience participation and sharing were amazing. I loved teaching this wonderful Russian-speaking community – it was fun to translate my presentation into a different language for once πŸ™‚ Stay tuned for fun upcoming group workshop announcements coming soon!

Relationship Spice, Toys and Sex Clubs Workshop at Heat Festival

This will be my first time teaching at the Heat FestivaI am looking forward to meeting this wonderful community of music lovers as well as sharing some of the “hot” tips and tricks on how to embrace more pleasure, love, and intimacy in our relationships with ourselves and our partners during my workshop. Can’t wait to tell you all about this!

Unlock Your Energetic Potential: Join the Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification Training

Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification Training 5-month course is founded on science-based theoretical knowledge, combined with modern-day healing arts experientials, powerful energetic practices, and body-based healing experientials, guided meditations, in-depth live instruction, comprehensive homework and supervision as well as one on one teaching sessions that multidimensionally aid at best transformational results.

Behind the Scenes – Squirting Touch Free

Her video gained 1M+ views – the beautiful model was genuinely surprised by her reaction to squirt touch-free through Energy Orgasms healing guidance.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your life and the lives of others utilizing deep healing, sensual and empowering energy. Enroll now and join the movement of empowered individuals stepping into their full potential.

Memorable Energy Orgasm Session

This was a session to remember… Are you ready to embrace a journey of self-discovery, emotional clarity, and sensual empowerment and help your clients/loved ones do the same? Look no further! Our Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification program is designed to help you tap into your inner potential and create transformative shifts in your life. But don’t just take our word for it… Every journey is unique, and the Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification program has been a transformative path for our participants.

FREE Practitioner Certification Webinar, Energy Orgasms – September 15, Join!

There is a clear, unmet need in the intimacy and wellness industry that you could be filling. In fact, the sexual wellness and personal development market (valued at US$21.26 billion) is set to rapidly grow at a CAGR of 9.2% during the next few years. You could fill this gap by learning powerful, research-backed tools that go beyond just talking or relieving symptoms and instead address the root cause by transforming the nervous system and conditioned beliefs…

FREE LimitLESS Intro – August 31

Are you ready to unleash your true potential and experience a life of unlimited possibilities? LimitLESS is an exclusive bi-weekly online mentorship empowering incredible individuals to embrace epic pleasure and passion, heal inner wounds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships. Join this FREE Webinar to learn how you can unleash your limitless potential.

FREE Practitioner Certification Webinar, Energy Orgasms – September 15

Are you passionate about personal growth, deep healing transformation and sensual awakening? Are you ready to embrace an exciting, life changing career that allows you to make a powerful positive contribution to the lives of others, extend your market share and expand into this lucrative industry?

LimitLESS FREE Webinar tonight

Limitless is designed to help you connect authentically and explore together, to give you multiple diverse perspectives on yourself and your life, to give you a place to share, and process life outside of friends and family. To give you bi-weekly deeply authentic β€œme” time.