Diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing + 20% off Online Healing

With the instability in today’s world, so many of us are affected by feeling anxious, unsettled and worried. Happy to share a few very helpful stress coping techniques I’ve used in my practice over the years to help you to feel more relaxed and supported.

Universe looking at itself

“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”
Alan Watts

What are you exploring right now?

March newsletter

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – March 2020

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – March 2020

Hot off the virtual press – have you seen today’s newsletter yet? Are you part of Spirit Sex Lab family? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover everything personal growth, pleasure and desire related

Leaving it alone

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”

Alan Watts

Feeling energized, laughing, and loving myself

“My favorite part was when I felt and saw an exuberant orange color expanding from my sacral chakra out to the world and got up feeling energized, laughing, and loving myself. I want to tell all my friends how highly I recommend working with Evguenia!”

Evguenia really cares

Evguenia really cares

“I also learned new skills to practice on my own, which I appreciate, and which to me shows that Evguenia really cares about her clients’ personal growth and isn’t just here ot get you dependent and hooked on what she exclusively has to offer (although I definitely am interested in with with her again!)

what do I desire

What do I desire?

“It is so importance to answer this question: What do I desire?”
Alan Watts

Right now for me – Connection. What word comes to mind for you?


Very insightful, caring and skilled.

“Evguenia is very insightful and caring and skilled. I struggle to find anything negative to say whatsoever. This was exactly what I was looking for. I felt very connected to my core essence, and I especially appreciated the energetic restructuring of the heart chakra which seemed exactly what I needed.”

leave your mind alone

Leave your mind alone

“You have to know how to leave your mind alone. It will quiet itself.”

Alan Watts