
I am love!

I AM LOVE. Deeply embracing energy, surrendering to our inner flow and expressing it – isn’t it an incredible gift? This is what Sarah said after having experienced energy work with me – 224K video from my YouTube Channel, have you watched?

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Client Testimonial Abe

Meet my incredibly open-minded, wise and intuitive client Abe

Meet my incredibly open-minded, wise and intuitive client Abe, a real estate investment professional from US.

Abe and I have been exploring Personal Transformation as well as Energy Healing. In our session we focused on deepening contact with himself, diving into higher frequencies, developing high sense perception and releasing blockages.


It was like bliss!

It was like bliss, Sarah said! Have you watched her video on Kundalini rising?
Please see

And let me know your thoughts xoxo

Raising your Frequency

Raising your frequency

When you are operating on a lower frequency due to old perspectives or disturbing experiences, it’s difficult for you to think positively, release the past, and feel empowered. You then manifest more people and situations from that lower frequency.

Self Love Testimonial

Self Love


So many of us are quite self critical, unsure of how to love ourselves unconditionally and are lucking self confidence. I’ve been there myself multiple times – feeling ashamed of my own desires, thoughts and needs. Unable to look at myself in the mirror without criticizing the way I looked. Getting easily upset with my own emotional reactions and “sensitivities”.

when we are tired

When we are tired

Things have been challenging lately, I know! If you’re struggling today – I’m sending you a big bear hug. Please remember that thoughts you may be struggling with right now may just be due to how you’re feeling. Notice whether these ideas are factual or just an emotional reaction to the current situation.

such a delight!

Such a delight!

Thank you for your kind words. I’m so grateful to be doing what I love with such awesome people!!

How are you today?


The Mysterious

I love mysterious experiences. Come to think of it – I made a career out of mystery 🙂 Want me to tell you about my very first encounter with mystery? Here’s the story about one of my strongest meditative experiences. At the risk of sounding weird or pretentious, I’m going to share it with you now…