Energy Orgasm

Energy Orgasm Solo Female Model Needed

Are you a woman living in GTA and curious to learn Energy Orgasms ($975+ current value) ABSOLUTELY FREE? Are you open to being my model for up to 2 hours in early December (in person, in a large room, with safety precautions in place, fully clothed etc.) while I’m filming an Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course? Then please DM for more info <3 Some of the benefits of Energy Orgasms include: Raising your sensitivity and increasing body awareness Taking your sex life to the next level by experiencing enhanced level of pleasure Diving into body, mind, heart and soul orgasm Connecting more deeply with yourself, your lovers and sexuality Learning to be more present and mindful

sensational pics

Sensational Pics

I remember the first time I worked with a photographer shooting erotic photos. How nervous and excited I felt, how I’ve explored my boundaries and gradually learned what the balance of sexy, classy, dirty, playful, dominant / submissive and artistic was just right for me. I’ve been so very fortunate to have worked with incredibly talented photographers in the past few years – alone and with partners, creating sensually enticing, incredibly stimulating photos! Want to see the best ones? Common over to and check out some sultry photography of yours truly. Happy to send you your very own copies – hand written and signed 😉

Mega Energy Boost Exercise

Mega Energy Boost – Exercise

Mega Energy Boost – Exercise We’re continuing with our topic of achieving a Mega Energy Boost (#spiritsexlab_energyboost) and today we’re discussing how […]

The Wild Woman

The Wild Woman

The more I spend time in nature, the better I feel the energy of water – strength, calmness that’s hiding a storm, […]

Exciting Photo shoot

Just did an exciting photo shoot for two great upcoming Kink Parties at which I will also teach a few lucky people […]