Hi beautiful people! I have a question for you. What are your thoughts on the following new Workshop topics I came up with? Do you find them interesting? Would love your feedback on what topics might interest you in addition to the Workshops I currently offer xoxo
- Dating 101 or Dating Demystified
- Attracting the right person
- Confidence and Self Esteem
- Streamlining the process
- Flirtation and Tease
- Communication and Conflict Resolution
- Connection Deepening
- Safe Sex
- Roller coaster experience and how to stay grounded
- Step by step Action plan
- This energy between us…
“What’s essential is invisible to the eyes”- Energy of love and self love and how to cultivate it
- Energetic emotional blocks removal
- Energy of seduction and tease
- Self confidence boosting techniques
- Sexual energy charge and alignment
- Arguments and communication energy exchange
- Connection deepening
- Desire Manifestation
- Mindfulness and quieting the mind’s chatter