6 tips for becoming more self confident

Are you feeling self confident lately? Self confidence is an energy that shines through and attracts incredible people and experiences to you! Self confidence opens doors, allows us to enjoy our lives to the fullest. So how does one become self confident?

I know I used to struggle with low confidence myself, questioning my worth, feeling too shy to approach and talk to people, worrying about what they may think about me.

It feels so much better to embrace ourselves and stand in our own power. What are some of the steps you can take towards feeling more confident?

Personal Transformation: meet my amazing client V.

Thank you Evguenia for another session. I learnt so much about the subject and found it so easy to converse openly with you about such a private issue. Information available to address issues both in verbal and written format. It was very effective for me as it was well structured in theoretical and experiential terms. Can’t wait to experience the next stage in our journey.

Sexy and enticing Rope and Rite of passage scene: coming during October 29th Sex Club Tour

On a Magical Halloween night all is possible – will our beautiful black kitten overcome difficult obstacles we set in her way to become a Powerful Black Panther? Or would she succumb to her struggles as she experiences group sensation play, restrictive rope ties and powerful domination by multiple people? You’ll be the judge and if you’d like – a participant! Our interactive rope, sensation play and rite of passage kinky scene with a beautiful black kitten led by yours truly and an amazing rope, impact play artist, DM, kink educator and my friend GM Hedon will take place during our tour.

Incredible Impact Scene by Alex Dark: coming during October 29th Sex Club Tour

I’m incredibly excited to announce one of our featured kinky scenes by an incredible impact play artist, lifestyle Dom, amazing kink party organizer and my close friend Alex Dark.

Around 10:45pm, in the dungeon of the Xclub as part of our guided Sex Club tour, Alex will be doing a powerful impact scene demo – spanking, flogging, paddling. He will take us through his many devious toys and showcase wonderful ways to playfully introduce sensation play into sensual connection repertoire. Can’t wait to witness this wonderful scene and learn πŸ™‚

shame free

Unashamedly express inner desires

Our society frowns upon open conversations around sexuality. The less we talk about our fantasies and desires, the deeper underground they go making us feel they are inappropriate, shameful and wrong. Let’s have an open conversation! Guilt, shame and judgement free πŸ˜‰ Join me for you free 20 minute Discovery call today: https://spiritsexlab.com/contact

Happy Anniversary

Today is my wedding anniversary! We’ve been together with my husband for 26 years now! Some of you may know that for the last 8-9 years, our relationship has been open, practicing consensual non monogamy (polyamory to be exact). I’ve even written a book on my poly adventures with al of juicy details and sensual photos lol! (www.aliceinpolyland.com)

It is incredible to see how relationships (and life in general) ebb and flow. They shapeshift, adjust, grow or fade depending on how intentional we are about them. How much energy, time, love, effort we’re willing to put in. How clear and open our communication is.


I end and you begin

What makes sex and healings similar? Most of our sessions are done in a state of trance where anything is possible because we’re in a state of singularity (just like with peak sensual experiences). Our boundaries stretch, our fields blend, we engage into stronger and higher vibrations while affecting our physical reality by metabolizing the highest frequencies available. Heaven on Earth!

I need your help! Introducing Unleash Synergy

Please help me decide – I really need your help! 1, 2 or 3?

Here’s the dilemma: I’m creating a sister company brand of SpiritSexLab: Unleash Synergy – High End Energy Healing Personal Transformation Practice

MISSION: I help successful professionals overcome their emotional, sexual and mental blockages; and create lives and relationships full of love, deep connection and passion. Judgement-free holistic mindfulness and experiential energy-based approach.

Please comment with 1, 2 or 3! Thank you, love you so much!

Deep Dive Healing – Abe’s experience

Want to know what takes place during a Deep Dive Healing session with me via Zoom? Watch this video and hear what Abe had to say about his powerful experience (he initially thought that this work sounded like a lot of Foo-foo πŸ™‚ but was very pleasantly surprised)!


Sensual Exploration

What a wonderful podcast I just appeared on! Will share more soon! Lots of personal stories, open and deep talk about sexuality, spirituality and pleasure!

Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from my interview with Dauphine Magazine from a year back:

1. What are your top 3 tips or tricks to ‘ignite your passion’? How does one dive into the world of sexuality and exploration?
Wonderful question! Nothing beats the shared energy of kindness, acceptance and a loving connection (for yourself and a partner) as a foundation for the following tips: