Sex is the best exercise

Sex is the best exercise

“Sex is the best exercise!” Like if you agree and share with your loved ones πŸ˜‰

Having sex is very beneficial to our health! Did you know that a Canadian study from 2013 has found the Sexual activity may be considered a Significant Exercise?

Telegraph article on this subject writes β€œMen on average burn 120 calories during lovemaking while women lose around 90, the equivalent of a brisk uphill walk, a game of doubles tennis or a 15 minute jog. And at peak times men were found to burn as many calories as running for 30 minutes on a treadmill. And at peak times men were found to burn as many calories as running for 30 minutes on a treadmill.”

“These results suggest that sexual activity may potentially be considered, at times, as a significant exercise,” said lead author Julie Frappier.

“Moreover, both men and women reported that sexual activity was a highly enjoyable and more appreciated than the 30 min exercise session on the treadmill.

“Therefore, this study could have implications for the planning of intervention programs as part of a healthy lifestyle by health care professionals.”

Plus, experts point to the other exercise benefits from sex: the stretching of muscles and tendons, the flexing of joints and the increase of respiration, heart rate and blood pressure that in a healthy man or woman can energize the body.

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