A personal story of body shame, blame and self-hatred through to transformation. Part 1 – I hope this resonates with you guys… Please let me know your stories.
“… Going down the memory lane… Growing up and being bombarded with images of what one should and should not look like…
As a teenager, looking at myself in the mirror and finding myriads of things that were not up to the standard. Blaming them for not being invited out for a dance at a school party. Feeling shy.
Uncomfortable in my own skin. Being told not to touch myself, feeling sexually ashamed and unable to deal with the passion I had inside. Disjointed. Out of touch.
Eating junk food during the school years. Gaining weight… Memory of an ex I haven’t seen for years telling me that I gained weight and was undesirable. How it felt to hear his words.
How I equated it in my head with being unworthy of his love. Anyone’s love. Just unworthy. Period. Projecting all of that hate towards my body. Blaming it for unhappiness. Feeling like I inhabit an enemy.
Years later, experiences later…” Continue Reading Here