“I not only feel empowered, grounded and at ease but I have a new found realization of all of the possibilities that are awaiting me in life, a new drive, a higher sense of well being, renewed trust in myself, a stronger connection to my spiritual side, and the energy field around me that I never dared to touch or acknowledge but that is clearly there and is very powerful.”
A. K.
Thank you. Wow. I’m honored to able to facilitate these experiences. Have you guys ever felt the energy field around you?
- I do have a video that explains what the energy field is, watch it here: https://youtu.be/aTwIi2xq-7o
- As well as this video talks about a few energy exercises to heighten your high sense perception: https://youtu.be/CofpVbLGZxc.
Come out to one of my sessions (including video) to try for yourself!