Gwyneth Paltrow in her Love, Sex and Goop has just recently had a Netflix episode on Energy Orgasms. And I say – it’s about time the world discovered this incredible magic! I’ve been so drawn to the healing, confidence, openness and sexiness of Energy Orgasm’s effects that I’ve now spent years successfully teaching it to others. With over 1 million views of my YouTube videos and many happy customers, I invite you to see the power and pleasure Energy Orgasms bring for yourself.
I remember, how much I was so fascinated with learning all about this incredible phenomenon 10 years ago when I first heard of it. The truth is that even though I’ve graduated from a 4 year long intense world’s best Energy Healing School, I still had no idea how to achieve it. As I started exploring my sexuality and opened up my marriage, I started moving towards learning all I could about this incredibly freeing and mind-blowing phenomenon. As power of attraction works it’s wonders in our lives, luck had it that I met a partner equally open and fascinated by spiritual sexuality. Together we’ve achieved this amazingly healing and sexually uplifting phenomenon.
Join this FREE Energy Orgasm Programs Overview Webinar to learn more about Solo, Couples and Practitioner Certification Program Offerings on November 18 at 7PM to learn how these programs can benefit you! Can’t make it? Register and get a recording copy.
When: November 18 at 7PM
Where: Online (link sent upon registration)
Price: FREE
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Please learn more about Energy Orgasms in this video: