Feeling of liberation, aliveness and emotional freedom!

Just spent 4 hours at an eye doctor’s clinic with my mom. Her vision has deteriorated lately and no treatments are unfortunately available to help her see better.  Activities that I usually take for granted such as reading, watching TV, pressing elevator buttons or crossing a street have become close to impossible for her now… She’s in her 80s and is a very kind, stoic and positive woman. Glass is always half full for her – she’s such an inspiration to everyone around!

Thank you – 4k YouTube followers!

So grateful to have hit 4K+ followers on YouTube! Thank YOU so much for following along and being part of Spirit Sex Lab family!!

You rock xoxo


Want to feel Earth-shuttering pleasure?

Want to feel Earth-shuttering pleasure? Incredible experiences are so within our reach – sensual wellness is founded on skills we can learn and master 😉

Free webinar reflections

With current world situation, many of us feel more separate and alone than ever. I see it in my friends, kids, clients – inability to connect to others in person, hug, hang out, even go for walks. I realized how much I was missing human connection, being in the presence of groups during out Thursday free webinar.

Dream with me!

I’m dreaming of being outside, bathing in a warm sunlight, surrounded by powerful nature and beautiful summer weather. Incredible blue water / high mountain views fill my soul with beauty and lungs with the freshest air possible. I can hear the voices or my kids and husband enjoying themselves outdoors, or, perhaps, it’s the mystery man whispering sweet nothings into my ear lol  Am I the only one dreaming of a getaway? Toronto has been on a lock down for way too long!!

Life changing sensual healing work

I remember how it all began. An unsettling feeling of something missing in my seemingly perfect life, restriction on the body level, emotional blockages, tightness, sensation of not being fully aligned with who I was inside. Then came years of soul searching, personal growth, opening up my marriage and finally embarking on an incredibly freeing journey towards discovering who I actually am deep down inside.

very powerful!

It was very powerful!

It often happens – we cry, we laugh, secrets are shared, hearts are opened, lives changed! Love living my dream. Thank you.


I end and you begin

What makes sex and healings similar? Most of our sessions are done in a state of trance where anything is possible because we’re in a state of singularity (just like with peak sensual experiences). Our boundaries stretch, our fields blend, we engage into stronger and higher vibrations while affecting our physical reality by metabolizing the highest frequencies available. Heaven on Earth!

Practitioner Certification Energy Orgasm

Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification Training FREE Intro Webinar – April 22

Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification Training FREE Intro Webinar – April 22

Are you passionate and curious about the work that I do? Would you like to know what it takes to become an Energy Orgasm Practitioner and learn all of my secrets :)? Do you feel called to do this deep, healing, pleasure-filled work and help your clients change lives at a profound level? Are you a coach, massage therapist or a Reiki healing practitioner who’d love to add energetic sexuality work to an already impressive resume and list of skills?

energy orgasm webinar

Energy Orgasm Foundations FREE Webinar – March 24

Join me for this monthly FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar on March 24th at 7pm! Are you curious what touch free Energy Orgasms are? Join this free webinar to learn about this profound, pleasure-filled, multidimensional phenomenon called Energy Orgasms. Can’t make it? Register and get a recording copy.