Very Pleased

That’s what I like to hear 😉

Join me for your free 20 minute consultation to learn how you can feel this energetically aligned:


Deviation from the norm

deviate from the norm.

And what is norm anyways? If we’re all so unique, could there really be a set of perfectly outlined, agreed upon norms? Or is it more like a spectrum? I love guidelines that are used in kink play: CSS: Consensual, Safe and Sane. I believe as long as three of these parameters are met, anything we feel or do is OK. Thoughts?

trust yourself

Trust yourself

You really do! I’m amazed at how much we do know – especially when we access our subconscious!!! Have you tried?
I love taking my clients on a journey of self discovery – it’s like an adventure into an unknown land as most of use have no clue who we are, which emotions we’re repressing and tacking out of sight are how our thoughts are affecting our behaviors!! Fascinating! Want me to accompany you on this wild ride? Contact for your free consultation today!

Write life with action

Write your life with actions

Just now I’ve read about Nicholas Winton – man who saved 669 Jewish kids during the second world war and kept quiet about it for 50 years until his wife discovered his notes. Incredible! And then I thought to myself – what an amazing way to write his life with actions and contribute… Going to sit with this for a while and see how I’m contributing.

Partner Choice

Ideal Partner

Having been married for 26 years and dating for last 8 (open relationship) I have gone through a lot of fun dating experiences (P. S. want to read about my sexiest dates? get my book at and developed a powerful approach to finding wonderful matches (and let me tell you The Mystery Man rocks!)!

Letter hunt game

Scavenger Hunt Letters

The time has come for me to tell you all about a game I recently played with the Mystery Man: Letters Scavenger Hunt

This is a great idea to do if you’d like spice things up, add mystery, excitement and playfulness into your connection; as one of our core needs according to Esther Perel is to experience excitement / unpredictability and mystery! Please save this, like, tag and share with others.

Prepare a 5-6 letters, these could be organized and numbered according to a sequence in which you’d like your partner to find these or may just be scattered around the house:

First letter may be placed on a bed side table / underneath a pillow or given in person so that it’s easily found
The rest of the letters can be hidden around a house with hints on where to find them included in each of the letters or marked by visual identifiers (flowers) for better visual clues

Fully live

Live every day of your life

Yes!!! Fully live every day of your life – deeply aligned with who you are inside. Do you feel like you’re living every day of your life?