Letting Go

Letting go of old painful patterns / relationships

Letting go of old painful patterns / relationships (D + R)

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” – Jack Kornfield

Do you have trouble disconnecting from the people you dated or loved? If so, you’re not alone. According to the attachment theory we all attach in various ways. Some are avoidant and tend to connect slowly and reluctantly. Others attach and detach with ease. Letting go for someone who has an anxious attachment style is especially hard.

Energy Orgasm

June 25, 7PM – New Exclusive Energy Orgasm Foundations webinar

Join this Exclusive Energetic Orgasm webinar to learn to experience ecstatic bliss by yourself and as a couple. Ultimate union with the universe, total oneness are possible. To create this profound connection, we will cover experiential energy play, uncovering energetic, emotional and mental blocks, energy-based sexual/spiritual practices focusing on strengthening the sexual force within you. All welcome.

Feel inside

Inside your head

This quote really speaks to me today. I’ve noticed lately how I attract exactly what I need. It’s not always the most positive experiences, but it feels like every inner impulse of mine is met exactly with a mirror or an answer. Do you notice that in your life? That’s what it feels like to be in the flow.

Loving Yourself

Loving yourself The process of removing blocks associated with the stored shame and guilt comes down to identifying those parts of ourselves […]