Letter hunt game

Scavenger Hunt Letters

The time has come for me to tell you all about a game I recently played with the Mystery Man: Letters Scavenger Hunt

This is a great idea to do if you’d like spice things up, add mystery, excitement and playfulness into your connection; as one of our core needs according to Esther Perel is to experience excitement / unpredictability and mystery! Please save this, like, tag and share with others.

Prepare a 5-6 letters, these could be organized and numbered according to a sequence in which you’d like your partner to find these or may just be scattered around the house:

First letter may be placed on a bed side table / underneath a pillow or given in person so that it’s easily found
The rest of the letters can be hidden around a house with hints on where to find them included in each of the letters or marked by visual identifiers (flowers) for better visual clues

Fully live

Live every day of your life

Yes!!! Fully live every day of your life – deeply aligned with who you are inside. Do you feel like you’re living every day of your life?


Sensual Guidance: Meet my wonderful client Shay!

Meet my wonderful client Shay, she’s a very successful LinkedIn Influencer and Video Coach Extraordinaire from Florida. Shay and I have been exploring Personal Transformation, Relationships, Sexual Guidance and Energy Orgasms as well as other pleasure-filled topics.

understand their nature

I can understand their nature

Awareness and understanding of our passions and motions are so important. What drives us, what do we need and how do we live intentionally authentically while being aligned with who we are deep down inside? Personal Development guidance is available here:https://spiritsexlab.com/contact/ Lets’ focus on what matters the most.

Energy Orgasm Course

Energy Orgasm – Solo Course Preview

In the past few weeks I have been focusing on creating an outline for my upcoming Energy Orgasm Solo Course creation! So excited about many ideas on what will be included into this Mastery Program!! Are you curing to learn more? Join my free upcoming webinar on EO this Thursday 22, at 7pm EST or get a recording. Sign Up: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/EnergyOrgasm

10 ways to build to Energy Orgasms

10 ways to build to Energy Orgasms With hundreds of thousands video views of Energy Orgasm phenomenon on my YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/c/spiritsexlab) […]

Energy Orgasm

October 22, 7pm – FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar

Join me for this monthly FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar on October 22 at 7pm! Are you curious what touch free Energy Orgasms are? Join this free webinar to learn about this profound, pleasure-filled, multidimensional phenomenon called Energy Orgasms. Can’t make it? Register and get a recording copy.

bodoiur photos

Incredible date idea: Boudoir photo session

You’ve asked for these photos – here’s one sexy image of yours truly (more to come soon)! Please like and comment if you think taking sensual photo shoots is a great idea! As some of you may know, I had just recently had an amazing experience with Larysa from Desire Photography Boutique shooting sensual art by myself and with my partner.


Doubt all things – personal journey

When I was first embarking on the personal development journey, I remember a wise person telling me  that we go through three stages in life:

Growing up we accept and learn from those who surround us about life’s principles, values, norms and expectations; we adapt their belief systems

Later in life we realize that there are different ways of looking at the same subject, multiple belief systems and truths among people

Finally we arrive at peeling off all of the layers and questioning them with scrutiny – deciding for ourselves which beliefs we want to keep and which ones are not serving us any longer