Mindfulness & Couple’s sexuality Peer-reviewed Study tips
Did you know that… Mindfulness and sexual satisfaction in couples have been linked with forgiveness and gratitude.
Did you know that… Mindfulness and sexual satisfaction in couples have been linked with forgiveness and gratitude.
Did you know that… Rumination and stress are the main inhibitors of men’s sexual arousal
To increase your pleasure… increase attention to moment-to-moment experiences
Mindfulness & Female sexuality Peer-reviewed Study tips
Did you know that… Distractions are major inhibitors of women’s sexual arousal
Female Orgasms Q: “Hi Evguenia, I’d like to find out how to rock my girlfriend’s world with amazing orgasms!” A. E. A: Hi […]
Attention Men: 6 Strategies on how to be a better lover
Have you been out of dating scene for a while and would like to upgrade your knowledge / skills? Are you looking to learn more ways on how to blow your partner’s mind and enjoy deeply satisfying sensual relationships? Or, perhaps, you’re looking to learn how to slow down and deeply and mindfully enjoy your sexual play?
Meet my wonderful Energy Orgasm client Sarah, she’s a successful creative professional from US. She came out to my Energy Orgasm Webinar and took part on an Energy Orgasm session that you can see below. She squirted multiple times during a recent Long Distance Energy Orgasm video.
One of wonderful $ex cub memories of FFM from a few years back was captured in Alice in Polyland book (www.aliceinpolyland.com). Join my upcoming $ex club tour on October 29th to create your own magical memories! Sign up: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/sexclubtour
Here’s an excerpt… “A sexy couple approaches them and sits close by. They start chatting. As they talk, Alice looks at the beautiful young blonde girl, listening to her voice, noticing her perfect perky breasts, attractive tattoos, sexy body. “I wonder what kissing her breasts would feel like” Alice thinks to herself.
“Alice, why don’t you kiss her,” she hears her Master’s voice. Women exchange smiles. The young sexy Blonde approaches Alice, they kiss – sensually caressing each others bodies. Alice licks and kisses her breasts. The Blonde girl straddles Alice and a beautiful passionate feminine sexual energy starts rising from them towards the rest of the couples around the pool.
Pleasure is pleasure:) Touch free! Can you believe it?!
Join my Free upcoming Energy Orgasms Webinar on February 17th, 7pmEST to learn more: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/EnergyOrgasm
Quick Reminder Newsletter – January 21st, 7:00pm EST Free Webinar.
Just sent off a freshly squeezed reminder newsletter, in it you can find videos, invites and soulfully sexy info about upcoming free webinar.
Join me for this FREE Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar on September 24th at 7pm! Are you curious what touch free Energy Orgasms are? Join this free webinar to learn about this profound, pleasure-filled, multidimensional phenomenon called Energy Orgasms. Can’t make it? Register and get a recording copy.