Happy New Year!

Happy New 2020! Having grown up in Russia, New Year’s eve celebration used to be the main holiday event of the year! […]

Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – December ’19

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – December, 2019

Are you part of Spirit Sex Lab family? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover everything personal growth, pleasure and desire related.
Imagine my account would get blocked and you’d never hear from me again  I’d miss you terribly!

Please see my Latest Newsletter and Subscribe: http://eepurl.com/gb3nzf

Lost and Found

Lost and Found (A New Chapter)

Lost and Found (A New Chapter)

Alice felt LOST.

This dense low vibrating energy that existed as an inner darkness right smack the middle of her chest and radiated all the way out into the world felt frightening, lonely and overwhelming. What was worse is a complete sense of identity loss. Disconnect not only from the world and others but also herself.

She could understand the grief that came along with the end of her long-term relationship. Alice was still trying to paste together multiple puzzle pieces and intense experiences of the last three and a half years: huge tidal waves ranging from blissful, spicy, loving and profound highs, to painful, excruciating, and insulting lows…



“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” Wayne Dyer Yes. Working hard on witnessing and controlling the […]

Contraction follows expansion

Contraction always follows an expansion

“Just like the beginning of the winter is inevitable, a contraction always follows an expansion.” www.aliceinpolyland.com Have you heard of such a […]

welcomed, comfortable

Welcomed and Comfortable

“Evguenia, I wanted to thank you for sharing with me your gift, your time and energy today. From the moment I walked […]

Newsletter November 19

Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – November ’19

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – November, 2019

Are you part of Spirit Sex Lab family? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover everything personal growth, pleasure and desire related.
Imagine my account would get blocked and you’d never hear from me again  I’d miss you terribly!