
Cannot thank Evguenia enough

“We love how she always encourages to explore further with no judgment and in a very positive way.
My husband and I took a few workshops and private sessions and cannot thank Evguenia enough for the changes we had in our personal life.”

K. S. 

Your Clothes

Your clothes

“Your clothes would look nice on my bedroom floor.”
The Love Notebook

Add an emoji if you agree.

sexually liberating

Sexually Liberating Experience

” I am so grateful for that incredibly satisfying  and sexually liberating experience that Alice has created for me and the participants, where I was “chained” to a cross blind-folded (all consensual of course) and played with. It is so delicious and arousing to have a fantasy come to life! A heartfelt thank you for an unforgettably fun experience.”

Wonderful Group of Open-Minded Sexy People

Chatting with multiple people who’d love to come to the Alice in Wonderland Party is bringing me so much joy! So beautiful to be able to guide open minded and hearted people into a sensual Fantasy space and let them see, possibly experience all that Kink, Tantra, Spiritual Sexuality and Steamy play has to offer.


Abundance of femininity, power and playfulness

“Alice exudes an abundance of femininity, power, and playfulness and is one of the most daring, sensual, and fun women I have ever met.”
A. V. , Financial Director

I used to be a very self conscious child. Bullied at school, unpopular, unsure of myself. I used to hate speaking up, connecting to strangers and being seen. I don’t feel this way anymore majority of the time… I can connect with the sensual, seductive and powerful energy source within myself  or drop into a more vulnerable self. I am happy to chat to strangers and love deeply connecting with people.

Everything you can imagine is real

“Everything you can imagine is real”.
Pablo Picasso

I am imagining a world without a judgement, where people are free to be themselves. A world in which we can play, create, experience joy and pleasure without the feelings of guilt,  or shame. Want to create a world just like that with me? Join in co-creating the sensually mystical experience on August 17th. 

Apply to join: https://mailchi.mp/2386cd7698d1/aliceinpolyland

we are all mad

We are all mad

“We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
Louse Carrol

Now that we got that our of the way lol What’s your sensual super power or super fantasy 😉
Come experience it with me! www.spiritsexlab.com/events

Trust in Dreams

Trust in Dreams

“Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.”
Khalil Gibran

What are you dreaming of? I’m dreaming of judgement-free, inclusive world where everyone is free to be who they are deep down inside, sharing their unique gifts with the world. That and world-wide #energyorgasm day lol