3 reasons you should join Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace

I’m so excited!! And I can’t hide it 🙂 (singing) I can’t wait to get started with our 8 week Transformationally Profound course.

Below are 3 reasons why I believe you should join (ONLY3 spots left):

Reason #1: State of the Art Course that takes you into the depths of your being
Reason #2: Wonderful group of open-hearted fellow travelers to share your journey with
Reason #3: Enjoy introductory offer of 50% off and become course’s success story!

5 Practices to dissolve obstacles that are holding you back

Often times we feel stuck in life, unable to proceed. This might be affecting our personal, relational or professional lives. There might also be a fear of spiraling into depression or continuing to miss out on enjoying the present. Lack of confidence, isolation and negative thinking might be some of the causes of inability to start achieving the goals we set for ourselves.

Personal development, relationships and sexuality survey

What an emotionally challenging week! Between Putin invading Ukraine, sow lift of Covid restrictions and my birthday celebrations – my heart is full of conflicting emotions and thoughts. It feels like the whole world is on the edge! Please comment if you van relate <3 I'm also currently in the process of creating offers focused on helping deepening connection with self and others, overcoming emotional, mental and spiritual blockages; and creating lives full of unsurpassed passion, pleasure & authenticity

How our blockages get formed and ways we can dissolve them

How our blockages get formed and ways we can dissolve them to achieve deeper connections, pleasure and openness

Science of Health and Disease

According to the Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine book our mental and emotional issues pertaining to stress and relaxation deeply impact the physical body. They are underlying factors in much illness, costing health care industry millions of dollars.

Personal Transformation: meet my amazing client V.

Thank you Evguenia for another session. I learnt so much about the subject and found it so easy to converse openly with you about such a private issue. Information available to address issues both in verbal and written format. It was very effective for me as it was well structured in theoretical and experiential terms. Can’t wait to experience the next stage in our journey.

Couple’s Mission Statement

This past 2nd anniversary with The Mystery Man, part of my present to him included a little book guiding us to come up with our couple’s mission statement. Couple’s mission statement is a great way to align our goals, dreams, have a deep heart to heart conversation on what we’d like our relationship to be. Below is a quick and powerful guide on creating a mission statement – it’s a great idea for established couples, new partners or singles thinking about the type of relationship we’d like to create.

Personal Mission Statement

Ever since I’ve created my Personal Mission Statement, I have become a lot clearer about my goals in multiple areas of my life and more deeply aligned with my intentions. This exercise has also made very clear why I do certain things the way I do and why I surround myself with certain people etc.

Derek - client testimonial energy orgasm

Meet my wonderful client Derek

Meet my wonderful client Derek, Hospitality sector professional from Toronto Canada.

Derek and I have been exploring Personal Transformation and Energy Orgasms Program as well as Energy Healing. In our sessions we focused on deepening contact with himself, diving into energetically orgasmic states as well as blocks removal.

shame free

Unashamedly express inner desires

Our society frowns upon open conversations around sexuality. The less we talk about our fantasies and desires, the deeper underground they go making us feel they are inappropriate, shameful and wrong. Let’s have an open conversation! Guilt, shame and judgement free 😉 Join me for you free 20 minute Discovery call today: https://spiritsexlab.com/contact