3 reasons you should join Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace

I’m so excited!! And I can’t hide it 🙂 (singing) I can’t wait to get started with our 8 week Transformationally Profound course.

Below are 3 reasons why I believe you should join (ONLY3 spots left):

Reason #1: State of the Art Course that takes you into the depths of your being
Reason #2: Wonderful group of open-hearted fellow travelers to share your journey with
Reason #3: Enjoy introductory offer of 50% off and become course’s success story!

5 Practices to dissolve obstacles that are holding you back

Often times we feel stuck in life, unable to proceed. This might be affecting our personal, relational or professional lives. There might also be a fear of spiraling into depression or continuing to miss out on enjoying the present. Lack of confidence, isolation and negative thinking might be some of the causes of inability to start achieving the goals we set for ourselves.

Survey winners announced!

A few weeks ago I’ve asked you guys to fill out a survey to hear more of your stories, learn about your struggles and dive deeper into your goals and dreams! I was overwhelmed with the number of survey responses I received. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to all of my wonderful followers, clients and friends for your kind and generous contributions!I loved learning that we’re so unique yet so similar in a variety of ways, how we long to embrace our deepest needs, heal our wounds and transform into the best selves we can ever be as well as embrace vibrant and enigmatically sensual parts of ourselves. Open communication about sexuality and deep healing were amongst the top 5 experiences we needed the most. I’ve taken all of your suggestions close to heart and I’m happy to report that I’m in the final stages of developing a wonderfully healing and sensually attractive group class program that I’ll share with you very soon.

Personal development, relationships and sexuality survey

What an emotionally challenging week! Between Putin invading Ukraine, sow lift of Covid restrictions and my birthday celebrations – my heart is full of conflicting emotions and thoughts. It feels like the whole world is on the edge! Please comment if you van relate <3 I'm also currently in the process of creating offers focused on helping deepening connection with self and others, overcoming emotional, mental and spiritual blockages; and creating lives full of unsurpassed passion, pleasure & authenticity

Happy Valentine’s day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! I’m wishing you an incredible day and year full of self love and deep powerful connection with your loved […]

How our blockages get formed and ways we can dissolve them

How our blockages get formed and ways we can dissolve them to achieve deeper connections, pleasure and openness

Science of Health and Disease

According to the Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine book our mental and emotional issues pertaining to stress and relaxation deeply impact the physical body. They are underlying factors in much illness, costing health care industry millions of dollars.

Personal Mission Statement

Ever since I’ve created my Personal Mission Statement, I have become a lot clearer about my goals in multiple areas of my life and more deeply aligned with my intentions. This exercise has also made very clear why I do certain things the way I do and why I surround myself with certain people etc.