Healing Body Scan Meditation

Experience Complimentary Deep Healing

FREE Healing Body Scan Meditation – Compliments of Spirit Sex Lab Join me live tomorrow at Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification webinar at […]

Life changing sensual healing work

I remember how it all began. An unsettling feeling of something missing in my seemingly perfect life, restriction on the body level, emotional blockages, tightness, sensation of not being fully aligned with who I was inside. Then came years of soul searching, personal growth, opening up my marriage and finally embarking on an incredibly freeing journey towards discovering who I actually am deep down inside.


I am love!

I AM LOVE. Deeply embracing energy, surrendering to our inner flow and expressing it – isn’t it an incredible gift? This is what Sarah said after having experienced energy work with me – 224K video from my YouTube Channel, have you watched? https://youtu.be/fhZGPI5Y6J0

Sign up for FREE webinar to learn more: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/EnergyOrgasm

Energy Orgasm

Will you join me tonight?

The truth is, this FREE Webinar may change your life šŸ˜‰ Or at the very least give you lots of food for thought about brining more pleasure, magic, depth and emotional balance into your life. Join me tonight at 7:00PM EST (Can’t make it? Sign up and get your FREE recording): https://spiritsexlab.as.me/EnergyOrgasm

Feb 2021 newsletter

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter ā€“ February 2021

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter ā€“ February 2021

February is a month of celebrations!! I hope you’re celebrating upcoming V-day and my birthday on February 18th in playful and joyful ways!! Here’s a hot freshly squeezed newsletter I just sent out.


Sensual Exploration

What a wonderful podcast I just appeared on! Will share more soon! Lots of personal stories, open and deep talk about sexuality, spirituality and pleasure!

Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from my interview with Dauphine Magazine from a year back:

1. What are your top 3 tips or tricks to ‘ignite your passion’? How does one dive into the world of sexuality and exploration?
Wonderful question! Nothing beats the shared energy of kindness, acceptance and a loving connection (for yourself and a partner) as a foundation for the following tips:

Alice in Polyland

Alice in Polyland – Personal Journey

Want to know what drives me to write this blog, why Iā€™m in the Healing & Sexuality field and published Alice in PolyLand Erotic book? Please read on and watch my video on it!
Please like, share and tag your friends to help me spread joy and pleasure!

Women love themselves

Women who love themselves

Just today I was holding space for a beautiful client of mine who’s come to me to embrace her sexual force, to fall in love with herself and unleash the inner goddess.

The sensual energy is so powerful, exquisite and incredibly moving. It makes us feel alive, creative, invigorated and empowered. Often, the reason why we’re not in touch with our pleasure is due to a variety of blockages that come from your upbringing – early childhood wounding, shame / guilt associated with sexuality, feeling unworthy of love and pleasure, inability to fully accept and love ourselves as we are and not as the world wants us to be.