Absence of judgment

Absence of judgment

Happy Holidays guys! I’m thankful to have you in my life!! Quote of the day: “Real magic in relationships means an absence […]

light in the heart

Light in the heart

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” Khalil Gibran The energy we exude, our frequency is […]

Grab those things

“Grab those things that make you happy.”

What makes you happy? What is it that you need? There’s a great exercise I like doing with my clients – we sit down and write out all of our needs and fantasies… Things that make us happy on all 4 levels: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual…

Client Testimonial

“I’d like to share my thoughts on a recent experience I’ve had with an energy therapist Evguenia. A few personal issues that […]

Amazing work

Alice, you do amazing work!

“Alice, you do amazing work! Great teaching skills and abilities and I was intrigued and checked out your website and the videos. […]

you are unique

You are unique

You are unique and so is your path! www.AliceinPolyland.com We are so different and so the cookie cutter approach doesn’t work for […]

Day to day life of a poly person

Scheduling in Polyamory

Day to day life of a poly person (Scheduling in Polyamory) Life is limitless, time is unfortunately not. So what does a […]