
Connect: Self, Mask

We all wear masks. Often. At some point in our lives we’ve created (with the outside help) an idealized image of who […]

steamy car window

Steamy car window

Steamy car window Alice was extremely turned on. They have been kissing in the car for what seemed like an hour. Passionately. […]

the wound is the place where the light enters

The wound

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.” Rumi Every time we react very strongly to a situation or an […]

I see my parents

I see my parents

“I see my parents as tiny children that need love.” Louise Hay This affirmation is focusing on healing parent’child relationships… Could also […]

Self Care: Perfection

Perfection Some great discussions we’ve head lately – on the topics of self care, self-love and image. “What happens”, someone has recently […]

Astral Healing Story

Astral Healing Story A beautiful woman he her late thirties came to the session and we spoke of her childhood, how uncomfortable […]

Intuitive Writing

Your True self – Intuitive Writing

Find a quiet place and sit or lay down with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths and settle into your body. Feel the sensations, notice emotions/thoughts that are running through you. Try not to get attached to any of these, just observe and let them pass as clouds in the sky and return to your breath.

When you feel that your mind has quieted enough, pose a question you need answered. Set an intention on receiving an honest answer. Ask for help from your Guardian Angel and open your eyes.



“There’s a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Rumi There’s a voice inside each of us that speaks the truth. It’s not […]